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Why gifting is important to your employees

You might be asking why I should motivate my employees when ‘am paying them a salary.  Let’s not get it twisted. Salary is paid for the labor while motivation is that extra push an employer gives the employee.  It’s a pat on the back. They have done a good job, they deserve a pat on the back.

Every day is employees’ appreciation day, therefore show them the same love. Recognize their efforts, not just results. With Giftpesa, businesses have found it easy to buy bulk e-vouchers and disburse them to multiple recipients as a way to motivate their employees.

Things are going well at work? Offer celebration. Majority of employees will be anxiously waiting for that Giftpesa customized gift message notification to pop up on their phones. A little motivation always fuels the zeal to perform well. As an employer, always remember that employees have value beyond performance.

Employee appreciation acts as a force that drives them towards attaining particular objectives of the organization.  In recent years, motivation has been the only way that always gets people out of their comfortable seats and makes them work hard.

Gift-giving is another way to motivate your employees. As a form of employee recognition, gifting your employees for the well-done job will positively affect employee performance which is an essential element for attaining a company’s goals.

Why is it important to Motivate your employees?


Employee motivation acts as a catalyst. It makes employees accountable for their actions at work. When people get to be noticed and rewarded for their good job at work, they will want to do more because they feel valued and counted on by the organization. Valued employees become ambassadors of the company because they believe they play a bigger part in the company achieving its goal. When gifting you can engrave your company name by the help of Giftpesa so as to remind your employees of the company and its goal through the customized gift messages.

  1. Become Self-driven 

Every time we give or receive a gift it always connects us by a belief that the gift-giving act will reciprocate to something even bigger. A motivated employee is always proactive. They always want to do something for the company. We say they foresee a problem in the company and quickly come up with a solution to solve the problem. They become team players and impact other employees.

  1. Innovative and Creative 

The power of corporate gifting shows appreciation. Gifts unlock employees’ brains. This may sound like a cliche but it’s not. People get activated when they are gifted as a motivation. When employees are motivated, they start to develop new ideas and skills that will help the company to generate more income. There is magic in corporate gifting, especially when the gifts speak their language just like an e-voucher from Giftpesa. In an organization where employees were rewarded due to an increase in sales that year, they will definitely come up with new ideas to double up the sales so as to be rewarded the next time. It’s all about what can we do this time to surpass this year’s target?

  1. Retention of employees 

A company needs to keep its employees working and maintain the organization’s standard. Hire and fire has a negative impact on the company, therefore one needs to work on retaining its employees. Gifting and motivating employees is very vital in the company’s quality of work and productivity. Motivated employees will always want to stick with the company and work for them even longer.

  1. Customer Satisfaction

Have you ever walked in an organization and the first thing you meet with is employees’ gloomy faces? Or in a customer care setup where you talk to a moody call center agent? That might be a sign of a toxic working environment. Employees see no need to serve clients well because their efforts are not valued. But in a case where employees are motivated, everyone will be happy to usher and serve you.

Find a way to connect with your employees and express what you feel or think about their work.

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