Every goal of an employer is to hire the most qualified staffs and keep them loyal and productive. Today, Research shows that many companies have disengaged employees with low motivation; only 13% of employees are engaged at work (Gallup). Motivated employees can lead to increased productivity and allow an organisation to achieve higher levels of output. Employee motivation is highly important for every company due to the benefits that it brings to the company. An incentive is an action or a valuable item that motivates an employee to do more of whatever has been asked by the employer. incentives can be tricky for many employers. Choosing the best gifting ideas that ensure the staffs remain happy, motivated and content can have a significant impact on organization growth. To be different and unique in the market, aspect of convenience, fast and flexibility have to be accompanied when selecting the best gifting design. Giftpesa is gift management platform that allows business disburse evouchers to multiple recipients at a go. Employees receive their evouchers via an sms with instructions on how to redeem. Let’s check out how Giftpesa has changed the corporate gifting ideas.
1. Bulk disbursement
Giftpesa has automated the entire process of buying and disbursement of gift vouchers online. A human resource manager or a marketing manager, sitting in his/her office can disburse bulk evouchers to multiple recipients spread across a wide region. Upon disbursement, Giftpesa generates a summarized file which shows a success report on vouchers disbursed. This report can always be filled for future reference https://giftpesa.com/for-corporates/ Nothing creates confidence, than an assurance that recipients have received their tokens and they can now spend at their pleasure.
2. Track Redemption
Giftpesa business portal gives visibility to track how your recipients are redeeming gift vouchers online across multiple retail centers. As a business, you are able to decide where your staff/customers should redeem based on redemption report. Tracking redemption brings financial prudency by ensuring money
3. Partial Redemption
The biggest incentive for businesses to use giftpesa platform to run incentive program is the benefits that trickle down to the staff/ customers. The benefit of partial redemption is worth a million to the end users. Imagine a possibility, where you can redeem your evoucher multiple times without restrictions. This gives you the freedom to spend and a choice to work within your budget. Giftpesa has made it possible to only redeem what you want to shop at that moment https://giftpesa.com/for-individuals/ . Besides that, your evoucher balance is updated real-time and you can be able to see how much you’ve spent and the balance at the same time. This is a huge convenience to the consumers.
4. Multiple redemption market place
Giftpesa evoucher are universally accepted across all leading supermarkets in Kenya. A single giftpesa evoucher is redeemable in Tuskys https://www.tuskys.com/ , Naivas https://naivas.co.ke/ , Eastmatt https://www.eastmatt.com/ , Clean shelf https://cleanshelf.co.ke/, Quickmart https://www.quickmart.co.ke/ , Carrefour https://www.carrefourkenya.com etc. This is a huge step toward universal evoucher with open loop system.
5. Refund
Lastly, businesses have gained significantly with invention of giftpesa. In order to ensure businesses do not incur unnecessary losses, all online evouchers not utilized after 12 months are credited back to business giftpesa wallet. This gives the business an opportunity to further re-allocate the online evouchers to new clients/ consumers without incurring another cost.