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Best gift for your employees


We all love gifts, right? Well, gift-giving has been a worldwide tradition for many years and people are embracing it. When buying a gift for a loved one, colleagues or staff do we consider what they love, their preferences, or do we just buy gifts?. Do we give gifts the right way? Or perhaps do we give the right gifts?   Most of us have received gifts that have ended up in our lost and found boxes or drawers.

Today, you have a chance to enjoy your gifts thanks to Giftpesa for its one-stop corporate gifting solution.

Giftpesa makes it extremely simple for companies in Kenya to run corporate gifting.

Through the platform, we give you an opportunity to choose and consider the perfect gift to give.

Do you know of the unwritten rules of corporate gifting? Several things to consider before presenting that gift? Well, here are 5 major factors to consider while in preparation for corporate gifting!

  1. Budget

“Can’t go over budget, if you never make a budget.”

When you have a budget it helps you gain control of your finances. In the state of corporate gifting, one needs to know how much they are planning to spend on gifts and the number of people receiving gifts. Are you going to give gifts to employees, clients, and partners? If so, how much are you going to spend on everyone?

By this, you are able to prioritize your spending and avoid debt.  Giftpesa has also helped corporates to save money through the tracking of E-voucher redemption. You might be wondering how; Any un-utilized voucher after 12 months is credited back to the business Giftpesa account for further re-allocation. This ensures businesses don’t lose money on any unutilized e-vouchers.

Moreover, As a business, you are able to decide where your staff/customers should redeem based on a redemption report. Tracking redemption brings financial prudence by ensuring money spent by the business to reward is actually utilized as expected.

2. Recipient should be in mind

 Gifts are meant to make both the recipient and the giver happy and spark an emotional connection. When we receive gifts we tend to feel more submissive to the one that has handed us the gift. There is an urge to do more for the person.  I don’t mean that a gift is a bribe or has a hidden motive but we always have some definite expectation to do better.

When gifting we need to understand the recipient and try to visualize their reaction when they receive the gift. Will they like the gift given to them? How will they behave?  Everyone wants to provide a perfect corporate gift but do we research what that means to the recipient?  Every year HR tends to buy obscure hard-to-find gifts for employees with the goal being ‘ Uniqueness is the key’ but maybe a gift voucher can definitely work.

Trying to achieve uniqueness might lead to having edgy gifts for employees, clients, or even partners.  Stick to the safe gifts like Giftpesa corporate gifting solution.  Giftpesa brings the much-needed freedom to spend to the end consumers. Giftpesa allows you to spend as per your budget plan and you can be able to see how much you’ve spent and the balance at the same time.

3. It’s not all about Uniqueness when gifting 

It’s all about tasteful gifts, right? But what if I tell you a perfect gift does not need to be expensive or obscure.  A simple gift such as a Giftpesa corporate gift voucher can make one’s eye roll and the face light up when they receive a customized gift message notification.   You do not need to spend a lot of money to provide a perfect gift.

4. Add same magic in gifting 

Make gifting a little more personal. Giftpesa gives you an opportunity to personalize a gift message to your gift voucher before you send it to the recipient. With the same personal touch, this shows the recipient that the sender (company) took their sweet time to prepare the gifts for them. It gives the recipient the feeling that the sender was thinking about them when they were preparing for the gift.  How cool is that, when you receive a gift that has your name on it from your boss? This shows that the person that sent the gift went the extra mile just for you.

In a company with a 200 plus population of employees and they all receive a customized corporate gift message, that alone can be treasured forever.  Turn normal gifts into memorable gifts with a bulk gift voucher disbursement from Giftpesa.

5. Results

Most companies have opted for corporate gifting as a marketing strategy and it has really worked for them. As much as gifting employees has increased motivation among the team and resulted in high performance, office gifting has driven sales for corporates.

Did you know that corporate gift-giving is a component that drives sales? Take a look at cases where an employee feels noticed and valued, they will want to go the extra mile. This means don’t always focus on the end results but focus on the energy behind the results. By doing so you will increase results effortlessly.

Giftpesa customized corporate gift message has also strengthened the relationship between the management and their team.

Corporate gifting makes employees feel connected to the company and have the urge to protect it. In a company that gives its employees gifts, staff always want to stay and make the company achieve its goal. They want to be part of the brand because there is job satisfaction and loyalty


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