Connect to the Giftpesa marketplace

Access over 3000+ marketplace and enrich your in-built strategic solutions.

Automate your REWARD processes

That means more efficiency, more reliability, and faster roll-outs​

Instant disbursement

Our Api will help you to instantly process reward from the flow of your application. You can give out an instant one time rewards, based on triggers within your solution.

Loyalty program

Giftpesa Api provides a redemption solution to the points earned in your solution. Enrich your loyalty programme by Accessing over 200+ marketplace with just one single API.

Cash back campaign

Don't just give money, give out something that creates connection. The reward doesn’t have to be money back. Give a reward that creates lifetime memories.

Get started with Giftpesa API

To use our API , you must register and create an account. An account is quick to set up and is free of charge.

Benefits of using GiftPesa

This is how we create instant happiness when buy giftpesa e-voucher


A single giftpesa evoucher is redeemable across 500+ brands. We have the biggest choice.

No Expiry

With Giftpesa, your evoucher is safe. Nothing like expiry after 3 months

Partial Redemption

Imagine a possibility, where you can redeem your evoucher multiple times without restrictions. The freedom to spend and a choice to work within your budget.

Share Vouchers

Share Vouchers with your loved ones With just a phone, you can gift anyone, anywhere in Kenya.